V Powerful Wealth Building Strategies


Master your money, strategically budget, and embark on the gratifying path to lasting wealth creation.

all UNDER an hour each week

Roth IRAs, Emergency Savings, 529 Plans (YIKES)

...with enough money to actually have fun, too? Stick with me...

Does any of this strike a nerve?

You know the money coming in to your account, but you ignore what is going out of your account (because let's be honest, you don't really want to know)

Your debt just feels out of control and you have no idea where to even start (what is an interest rate anyway)

You experience household arguments over money related topics (like vacations or shopping, those things are supposed to be fun!)

Investing sounds scary, and only old professional wealthy men can do that (vom!! this is the biggest myth of them all)

If so, lean in closer because I've got something exciting to share with you.

Wealth Building

I love a budget, but does your budget really look at your finances as a WHOLE?

Psst... are you ready to hear a little secret?

You need to create and follow a financial ecosystem to build your wealth

and I am teaching women exactly how to transform your money mindset and establish healthy wealth building strategies

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Most people understand that they need a budget

BUT they FAIL TO RECOGNIZE that every dollar in your bank account, needs a specific plan to exit your bank account -- every dollar needs a specific goal

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You know your income

You know your fixed expenses

You know you SHOULD prepare for retirement

You know you want to build WEALTH

but don't know where to start

Like me, women and men were looking for -

Financial Literacy

Tired of drowning in financial confusion and missing out on opportunities to thrive? ? Imagine the freedom and excitement of mastering money matters, unlocking a world of financial abundance! ?? But wait, you may say, "I'm not a numbers person. How can I possibly understand finance?" ? Don't let that misconception hold you back! Financial literacy is for everyone, and we've got the playful roadmap to prove it! ??

Investing Confidence

Feeling overwhelmed by financial uncertainty and missed opportunities in the investing world? ? Picture yourself confidently navigating the investment world, making informed decisions that lead to financial prosperity and peace of mind! ?? But you might wonder, "I'm not an expert. How can I trust my own judgment in the complex world of investing?" ? Break free from that belief! Investing confidence is within your grasp, and we're here to show you how to make it happen with a playful twist! ??

Debt Control

Struggling under the weight of mounting debt and feeling trapped with no control over your financial future? ? Envision the exhilaration of breaking free from the shackles of debt, gaining control over your finances, and paving the way to a debt-free life! ?? But you may wonder, "Is it even possible for me to regain control and conquer my debt?" ? Don't let that doubt hold you back! Debt control is within your reach, and we've got a playful plan to guide you towards financial liberation! ??


Frustrated by the constant struggle of living paycheck to paycheck, yearning for more financial stability and the ability to build wealth for a brighter future? ? Imagine the thrill of experiencing a substantial increase in income, effortlessly building wealth, and securing a prosperous future for yourself and your loved ones! ?✨ But you may ask yourself, "Is it really possible for me to earn more money and achieve lasting financial abundance?" ? Embrace the playful journey towards unlocking your earning potential and creating a life of abundant wealth! ??

I was tired of feeling like personal finance felt like a mysterious puzzle

^^ that's exactly why I decided to take create a V Powerful Wealthy Ecosystem

Picture this: You, confidently strutting into the realm of personal finance, armed with knowledge and a dash of playful determination. Sure, it can be overwhelming at first, but guess what? You're not alone. Many folks have asked themselves the very same questions and faced the same doubts. But trust me, you have the power to overcome them.

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Get the 8 Week, NO-FLUFF, V POWERFUL, Wealth Building Strategy

Fear of making mistakes. We've all been there, worried that one wrong move will send everything spiraling. But here's the truth: making mistakes is a part of life, and it's how we learn and grow. So, let's embrace those missteps, learn from them, and use them as stepping stones on your journey to financial greatness.

So, my friend, are you ready to kick those doubts to the curb and embark on a playful and empowering journey towards money mastery? I'm here to guide you, support you, and make you some money. Together, we'll conquer the financial world and unleash your inner financial rockstar. Get ready to make money moves like nobody's business.

Let's put strategy behind your dollars. Spend less time arguing with your partner about money, and more time discussing how much money you will have in your retirement years!

You're financial well-being is just as important as anything else on your plate, and it's time to start treating it that way. It's time to ditch the stress that surrounds Wealth Building and shift in to an effortless money management system.

set yourself free from the Sunday Finance scaries

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Allison Conway
Founder and CEO of Brains and Beauty School

Hey there! Are you a fellow busy woman who's been feeling overwhelmed by money matters lately? I know how it goes - between work, kids, and life, it can feel like there's never enough time to get your finances in order. But here's the thing: you don't have to do it alone. That's where the "V Powerful Wealth Strategies" course comes in. We're all about helping women (and men) like us take control of our finances and create a budget playbook that really works for us. From personal financial strategies to investment tips and more, we've got you covered. And let's be real - when we feel more in control of our finances, we feel more in control of our lives in general. So if you're ready to level up your money game, join our waitlist today and let's do this together.

Get my step-by-step system

Goal Setting

Identify a place for every dollar to align with each of your financial goals

Money Mindset

Fine-tune your money mindset from scarcity mindset, to abundent

Expenses and Preparation

How you should prepare your ecosystem for emergency planning, debt payoff, and investing

Investment Strategies

Prepare for retirement and invest in other brokerage accounts

V Powerful Wealth Building Budget

Downloadable template to design your budget and edit your budget monthly

Myth: Wealth Building is all about cutting back

While it's important to practice frugality and make wise spending choices, wealth building doesn't mean living a life of constant sacrifice. It involves finding a balance between enjoying the present and planning for the future.

Myth: Welath building is a quick process

Building substantial wealth takes time and consistent effort. It requires discipline, patience, and a long-term perspective. Slow and steady progress, coupled with smart financial decisions, leads to lasting wealth.

Myth: Wealth building is an individual endeavor

Collaborating mentors, and like-minded individuals can significantly enhance your wealth-building journey. Seeking guidance and learning from others' experiences can help you make more informed decisions.

Myth: You need to earn a high income to build wealth.

While a higher income can accelerate wealth building, it is not the sole determinant. Consistently saving a portion of your income, living within your means, and making wise investment choices are key factors in building wealth.

Myth: You need complex financial strategies to build wealth.

Building wealth doesn't necessarily require complex financial strategies. Basic principles such as saving, investing in diversified assets, and minimizing debt can lay a strong foundation for wealth accumulation.

MYTH: Investing is too complex for the average person

While investing involves financial concepts, tools, and strategies, there are ample educational resources available to help individuals understand and navigate the investment landscape. With some effort and learning, anyone can become a knowledgeable investor.

Myth: Investing is for the wealthy

Investing is accessible to individuals of all income levels. You can start with small amounts and gradually build your portfolio over time.

Myth: Investing is like gambling

While there are risks involved in investing, it is fundamentally different from gambling. Investing is based on informed decisions, research, and analysis to maximize the potential for long-term returns.

Myth: You need a large sum of money to start investing.

Investing can begin with small amounts. Many investment platforms offer options for fractional shares, making it affordable to invest even with limited funds

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V Powerful Wealth Buildling Strategies

In my exclusive 8 Week Program, we will conquire your spiraling financial worries, together. I rewrite the rules of basic budgeting, and focus on Short-Term, Medium-Term and Long-Term Goals. With a time investment of just 1 hour per week, we will navigate how to build your V Powerful Wealthy Ecosystem. I inject a bit a fun (and weekly homework for feedback directly by me)

The outcome? In 8 weeks, each dollar that comes in to your account will have a specific plan to exit your account based on YOUR personal goals.

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Designed by Allison Conway

The problem with most Personal Finance and Wealth Buildling Programs out there?

They focus on only ONE area of your finances

I show you EXACTLY how every dollar you bring in, should have a specific place to go out.

I explain how one decision from your debt, can effect your investments.

I care about your entire Wealth Ecosystem.

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY- I KNOW you can become WEALTHY, and I want to show you how

When you enroll today


*Say goodbye to financial uncertainty as you discover the perfect path to effortlessly managing and maximizing your hard-earned funds.

*Understand the essential accounts and how to leverage them effectively to make your money work for you.

*Have a fail-proof emergency plan to tackle any financial challenge that comes your way.

*Become a true champion of wealth and wisdom, inspiring those around you with your financial success.


* Done-for-you budget template for you to create your wealth building budget


*Detailed tutorial on how to open up brokerage accounts, pick an investment, and actually invest


*Discover the profound reasons behind your unique relationship with money and unlock the secrets to re-establishing a harmonious and prosperous connection with your finances.

*Gain the empowering insights and playful strategies to nuture a healtheir and more fulfillin bond with money

Join the EXCLUSIVE V Powerful Wealth Building Strategy program NOW, and see results in your money mastery in 8 weeks!



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